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Infant Massage Therapy in Winnipeg

At n8 Chiropractic & Massage Therapy, we offer infant massage therapy to give caregivers a gentle and nurturing way to bond with their babies while promoting overall well-being.

Our main goal is to help both you and your little one live happier and healthier!

What Is Infant Massage Therapy?

Young baby holding parent's fingerInfant massage therapy involves specific techniques designed to soothe and stimulate infants. Unlike traditional approaches to massage therapy, it utilizes light pressure, including gentle strokes and kneading, tailored to the baby’s age and condition.

Infant massage therapy gives caregivers the opportunity to adapt to their baby’s cues, fostering a personalized and nurturing experience. While reducing stress hormones and alleviating discomfort, it alleviates discomfort and encourages the following benefits:

  • Better sleep
  • Sensory development
  • Increased circulation
  • Improved digestion
  • Muscle tone

In addition to the above benefits, infant massage therapy also strengthens the caregiver-baby bond through positive interaction.

Our Training Program

Our practice offers infant massage therapy training programs led by certified infant massage instructors for hands-on learning. The curriculum goes over the benefits of care, massage techniques, safety protocol, and how to nurture communication. We also provide access to ongoing support, guidance, and educational materials for daily integration.

We emphasize gaining insight into infant massage therapy. Through practice on dolls or models, you, too, can gain confidence and proficiency in infant massage therapy. Be sure to contact our practice for more information. We are happy to address any questions or concerns you may have for us.

Early Intervention

The earlier your child begins massage therapy, the more likely they are to experience years of health and wellness. Rest assured, our approach to infant massage therapy is safe and gentle—ultimately, allowing you and your little one to relax during each session.

Reach Out

Infant massage therapy empowers caregivers to provide nurturing touch and support while improving the health of their babies.

Are you ready to get started? We await your arrival with open arms. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our practice to learn more and schedule your visit.

Infant Massage Therapy Winnipeg MB | (204) 615-9844